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Will be online soon
17 octobre, 2024
Feature Seminar : 13h
Trouver et demande des bourses d’études
Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment trouver des bourses d’études, des subventions et des récompenses qui vous conviennent. Lors de ce séminaire, nous parlerons des mythes et des réalités des bourses d’études, nous vous donnerons des conseils sur la façon de poser votre candidature et répondrons à toutes vos questions sur les bourses d’études, les subventions et bien plus encore !
Animatrice : Preya Parikh, ScholarshipsCanada.com
Emplois Emplois Emplois : Enseignement de l’anglais conversationnel au quotidien à l’étranger
Travaillez depuis chez vous, voyagez en Italie chaque été ou enseignez dans d’autres pays qui vous intéressent. Enseignez l’anglais conversationnel à des gens qui veulent apprendre ! Les étudiants sont les bienvenus. Nous avons aidé plus de 60 000 diplômés depuis 1994.
Animateur : Dr. Jim Pellegrini, président, Central Overseas Education Services
Étudier et travailler en Suisse
Ce séminaire de 30 minutes vous donnera un bref aperçu du système universitaire suisse avec ses conditions attractives et les possibilités de trouver du travail en Suisse pour une expérience inoubliable.
Animateur : Urs Obrist, Embassy of Switzerland
Comment un diplôme en droit au Royaume-Uni peut transformer votre avenir
Découvrez comment un diplôme en droit d’une institution britannique peut vous ouvrir les portes de la pratique au Canada et ailleurs ; découvrez le processus de candidature, le coût des études et les possibilités mondiales.
Les étudiants qui commencent leurs études de droit à Queen’s au cours de l’année universitaire 2024-25 bénéficieront de l’introduction d’un nouveau cours de droit constitutionnel canadien dans le programme.
Animateur : Dr. Martin Regan, directeur de l’internationalisation, École de droit, Queen’s University Belfast
Financer vos études aux États-Unis
Il est essentiel de comprendre le fonctionnement de l’aide financière lorsque l’on choisit d’étudier à l’étranger. Apprenez-vous sur les options de financement disponibles aux États-Unis pour les études de premier cycle et supérieur, ainsi que sur les critères spécifiques pour postuler aux bourses Fulbright Canada.
Animatrice : Jenika Heim, EducationUSA
Trouver le programme et l’école qui vous conviennent
Trouver toutes vos options d’études postsecondaires peuvent être un casse-tête. Des diplômes collégiaux aux diplômes universitaires, les stages, le logement et les frais de scolarité, vous avez beaucoup de choses à prendre en compte. Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment SchoolFinder.com peut vous aider à trouver le programme et l’école qui vous conviennent afin que vous pouvez obtenir l’éducation que vous souhaitez.
Animatrice : Preya Parikh, SchoolFinder.com
October 19, 2024
Feature Seminar : 12:00 pm
Finding and Applying for Scholarships
Join us to learn how you can find scholarships, bursaries, and awards that fit you. At this seminar, we’ll talk about scholarship myths and realities, offer advice on applying, and answer any questions you have about scholarships, bursaries, and more!
Presenter: Preya Parikh, ScholarshipsCanada.com
1:00 pm
Study and work in Switzerland
This 30-minute seminar will present you with a short overview of the Swiss university system with its attractive conditions, and ways to find work in Switzerland for an unforgettable experience.
Presenter: Urs Obrist, Embassy of Switzerland
1:30 pm
Funding US Study
Understanding how financial aid works is critical when choosing to study abroad. Learn about the undergraduate and graduate funding options available in the USA, as well as specific criteria to apply for Fulbright Canada awards.
Presenter: Jenika Heim, EducationUSA
2:00 pm
Discover UBC’s Okanagan campus
The University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus offers the world-class academic experience you expect from UBC, anchored by the close-knit community you expect from a medium-sized campus. Gain a UBC degree while getting to know your award-winning professors personally in one of the most desirable places to live in Canada.
Presenter: Sashah Rahemtulla, University of British Columbia
2:30 pm
Jobs Jobs Jobs: Teaching Everyday Conversational English Abroad
Work from home, travel to Italy each summer, or teach in other countries that interest you. Teach conversational English to people who are eager to learn! Students welcome. We’ve helped over 60,000 grads since 1994.
Presenter: Dr. Jim Pellegrini, President, Central Overseas Education Services.
3:00 pm
Centennial College: Shaping Global Leaders through Innovation and Hands-On Learning
Explore Centennial College’s global impact, innovative programs, and hands-on learning opportunities. Join our session to see how we prepare students for success with 200,000+ alumni and 1,500+ industry partners.
Presenter: Naomi Mullings, Centennial College
3:30 pm
Study in Germany: Study and Research Opportunities, Scholarships and Grants
Attend this seminar to learn about pursuing a degree in the ‘Land of Ideas,’ as well as funding programs to support study, research, and internships in Germany.
Presenter: John Paul Kleiner, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
4:00 pm
Finding the Right Program and School for You
Sorting through your options for post-secondary can be a headache. From diplomas to degrees, co-ops, internships, housing, and tuition, you’ve got a lot to consider. Join us to learn how SchoolFinder.com can help you discover the right program and school so you can get the education you want.
Presenter: Chris Wilkins, SchoolFinder.com
October 20, 2024
Feature Seminar : 12:00 pm
Finding and Applying for Scholarships
Join us to learn how you can find scholarships, bursaries, and awards that fit you. At this seminar, we’ll talk about scholarship myths and realities, offer advice on applying, and answer any questions you have about scholarships, bursaries, and more!
Presenter: Logan Bright, ScholarshipsCanada.com
12:45 pm
Finding the Right Program and School for You
Sorting through your options for post-secondary can be a headache. From diplomas to degrees, co-ops, internships, housing, and tuition, you’ve got a lot to consider. Join us to learn how SchoolFinder.com can help you discover the right program and school so you can get the education you want.
Presenter: Chris Wilkins, SchoolFinder.com
1:00 pm
Join for a Presentation about King’s College London
Learn about London as a world-class student city, and the opportunities associated with King’s and studying in the heart of London. Learn about programs offered at King’s College London, how university studies differ in the UK, and when and how to apply!
Presenter: Madison Andrews, Student Recruitment Officer, King’s College London
1:30 pm
Everything You Need to Know about Alma College in the USA
Alma College offers a personalized education: create new knowledge through academic research, expand your horizons with global initiatives, supplement your studies with experiential learning opportunities, and indulge your artistic and athletic yearnings while completing your degree.
Presenter: Victor Finch, Alma College
2:00 pm
How a Law Degree from the UK can Transform Your Future
Learn how a Law degree from a UK institution can open doors to practice in Canada and elsewhere; hear about the application process, cost of study, and global opportunities.
Students beginning their Law studies with Queen’s in academic year 2024-25 will benefit from the introduction of a new Canadian Constitutional Law course onto the curriculum.
Presenter: Dr. Martin Regan, Director of Internationalisation, School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast
2:30 pm
Studying Pharmacy at the University of Birmingham (UK)
Come to learn more about our 4-year undergraduate MPharm degree and discover what Birmingham has to offer!
Presenter: Marie-Christine Jones, University of Birmingham
3:00 pm
Discover East Tennessee State University: The Top Adventure College in the U.S.
Join us for an engaging overview of East Tennessee State University (ETSU), recently named the Top Adventure College in the U.S. Learn about our 300+ academic programs, robust campus life, and the competitive scholarships for Canadian students.
Presenter: Caleb Bennett, East Tennessee State University
3:30 pm
Discover UBC’s Okanagan campus
The University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus offers the world-class academic experience you expect from UBC, anchored by the close-knit community you expect from a medium-sized campus. Gain a UBC degree while getting to know your award-winning professors personally in one of the most desirable places to live in Canada.
Presenters: Maya Vedantam, University of British Columbia
4:00 pm
Centennial College: Shaping Global Leaders through Innovation and Hands-On Learning
Explore Centennial College’s global impact, innovative programs, and hands-on learning opportunities. Join our session to see how we prepare students for success with 200,000+ alumni and 1,500+ industry partners.
Presenter: Jayson Dimaano, Centennial College
4:30 pm
Constructor University is the #1 English-speaking University in Europe and the #1 Private University in Germany
We are committed to excellence and innovation in research, teaching, and knowledge transfer with a modern infrastructure and a professional environment to study, live, and work.
Constructor = Choice, Core, Career
Presenter: Farah Hassan, Constructor University
October 26, 2024
Feature Seminar : 12:00 pm
Finding and Applying for Scholarships
Join us to learn how you can find scholarships, bursaries, and awards that fit you. At this seminar, we’ll talk about scholarship myths and realities, offer advice on applying, and answer any questions you have about scholarships, bursaries, and more!
Presenter: Preya Parikh, ScholarshipsCanada.com
1:30 pm
Funding US Study
Understanding how financial aid works is critical when choosing to study abroad. Learn about the undergraduate and graduate funding options available in the USA, as well as specific criteria to apply for Fulbright Canada awards.
Presenter: Rachel Liu, EducationUSA
2:30 pm
Studying At CBU In Southern California!
California Baptist University is a medium-sized university, offering 80 undergraduate, 40 graduate programs, and is ranked by the Wall Street Journal the #1 US University for Career Preparedness and #2 for Student life. CBU students thrive not just academically, but socially and professionally!
Presenter: Rachel Fouts, California Baptist University
3:00 pm
Join for a Presentation about King’s College London
Learn about London as a world-class student city, and the opportunities associated with King’s and studying in the heart of London. Learn about programs offered at King’s College London, how university studies differ in the UK, and when and how to apply!
Presenter: Madison Andrews, Student Recruitment Officer, King’s College London
4:00 pm
Finding the Right Program and School for You
Sorting through your options for post-secondary can be a headache. From diplomas to degrees, co-ops, internships, housing, and tuition, you’ve got a lot to consider. Join us to learn how SchoolFinder.com can help you discover the right program and school so you can get the education you want.
Presenter: Chris Wilkins, SchoolFinder.com
October 27, 2023
Feature Seminar : 12:00 pm
Finding and Applying for Scholarships
Join us to learn how you can find scholarships, bursaries, and awards that fit you. At this seminar, we’ll talk about scholarship myths and realities, offer advice on applying, and answer any questions you have about scholarships, bursaries, and more!
Presenter: Preya Parikh, ScholarshipsCanada.com
2:00 pm
Studying At CBU In Southern California!
California Baptist University is a medium-sized university, offering 80 undergraduate, 40 graduate programs, and is ranked by the Wall Street Journal the #1 US University for Career Preparedness and #2 for Student life. CBU students thrive not just academically, but socially and professionally!
Presenter: Rachel Fouts, California Baptist University
3:30 pm
Funding US Study
Understanding how financial aid works is critical when choosing to study abroad. Learn about the undergraduate and graduate funding options available in the USA, as well as specific criteria to apply for Fulbright Canada awards.
Presenter: Rachel Liu, EducationUSA
4:00 pm
Finding the Right Program and School for You
Sorting through your options for post-secondary can be a headache. From diplomas to degrees, co-ops, internships, housing, and tuition, you’ve got a lot to consider. Join us to learn how SchoolFinder.com can help you discover the right program and school so you can get the education you want.
Presenter: Preya Parikh, SchoolFinder.com