Studying in Ireland – An Unforgettable Experience


Increasing numbers of Canadian students are making the decision to study in Ireland each year – and they have good reason to!

Ireland is a beautiful island, combining contemporary modern cities with an unspoilt countryside, cityscapes steeped in history, and a rich natural habitat. Renowned for friendliness, our safe, English-speaking country offers the warmest of welcomes to students from all over the world. At any one time there are 5,000 Canadians living in Ireland!.

Reasons to study in Ireland

  1. Ireland is a friendly and safe country – with a hospitable and welcoming nation of people.
  2. English-speaking country – Ireland is the only English-speaking country in the Eurozone with close cultural, economic and educational links with North America and the UK.
  3. Internationally Recognised Qualifications and Extensive Choice – Students can choose from an extensive range of courses to meet their needs in colleges and universities recognized for their excellence worldwide.
  4. Supportive Learning Environment – Dedicated international offices work closely with academic, administrative, and specialist staff to fully support students throughout their time in Ireland.
  5. Innovative and Creative Culture – Ireland is known for its entrepreneurial society: Eight of the world’s top ten ICT companies and nine of the top ten Pharmaceutical companies have their European base in Ireland.
  6. Distinguished Graduates – Ireland’s graduates are innovators, leaders and ambassadors for excellence all around the world. Qualifications earned and connections made in Ireland deliver a passport to success and a high rate of employability after college.
  7. Leading Global Companies in Ireland – Companies who require a skilled, educated and highly capable workforce to drive their success choose to locate in Ireland; including Google, Facebook, Pfizer, Apple and Intel.
  8. Gateway to Europe – Ireland is a gateway to Europe. Many students who study in Ireland take time during their school holidays to visit the UK, France, Spain, Italy, and other European countries just a stone’s throw away.

As well as this, Ireland has a worldwide reputation for high quality education which is built on the solid foundation of commitment to excellence. Ireland is ranked 1st in Europe for graduates per 1000 of population.

Popular sought-after programs

Current Canadian students in Ireland are studying across a number of different disciplines. Popular programs to date include:

  • Architecture
  • Engineering
  • Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
  • Construction Management
  • Renewable Energy
  • Business – Marketing, HR, Management, Accounting
  • Social Care
  • Early Childhood Care & Education
  • Public Affairs and Policy Management
  • Medicine
  • Graduate Entry Medicine

The Education in Ireland website has a very useful ‘What Can I Study?’ function. Students can type in their preferred subject, which level (undergraduate or postgraduate), and where in Ireland they would like to complete their studies. A list of possible universities and colleges is generated, with further information on the institution and the selected course of study if you follow the links.

Research in Ireland

Ireland is making a marked and growing impact in every research field it is engaged in. Irish universities are now in the top 1% of research institutions in the world in 18 fields, spanning natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. Ireland is ranked 20th in the world for overall international scientific citations per paper – a remarkable achievement for such a small country.

As a country, Ireland is currently ranked 18th across all fields, having risen from 36th in 2003. In terms of research, Ireland ranks:

  • 1st in the world for Immunology
  • 1st in the world for Animal & Dairy
  • 3rd in the world for Nano-Sciences
  • 4th in the world for Computer Science
  • 6th in the world for Material Science

Student Ambassadors

Education in Ireland has a number of student ambassadors who regularly post blogs about their experiences abroad. I caught up with some of them earlier in the year and they were all very positive about their decision to study in Ireland:

‘’When I decided on leaving Canada to finish my undergraduate degree in Ireland, I didn’t really know what to expect. I hadn’t researched much on the country but I thought that the international experience would look good on my résumé. Little did I know that I was in for one of the best times of my life!

Studying in Ireland opened up doors that allowed for me to further develop skills that employers are looking for today. It not only provided me with a degree, but I was also fortunate enough to find employment in Ireland upon graduating.’’ (Cameron Bradley, Waterford)

‘’I chose Ireland because it offered a chance to gain further education in my field of study, while providing a unique opportunity for international experience. To date, I have enjoyed my studies, while taking advantage of various opportunities CIT has provided to explore the culture and landscape of Ireland.’’ (Stephen Hotke, Cork – also in photo is Canadian ambassador Joel Frederick Foster)

‘’Since coming to Tralee, the world has become a lot smaller to me. I have been introduced to new possibilities and ways of life, and can honestly say I have learned a lot from the experience. Ultimately, I would recommend studying abroad to anyone who is interested in taking on a challenge – it can lead to great rewards.’’ (Chloe Logan, Tralee)

‘’Through the International Society, I have a concrete network of fellow students who are going through both similar and vastly different experiences. We are able to laugh at the embarrassing confusions and miscommunications that frequently happen. We are able to find support and comfort when our situation seems overwhelming. And we are able to exchange our enthusiasm and passion for adventure and exploration.’’ (Kelli Brenton, NUI Maynooth)

Colleges Ontario – Institutes of Technology Ireland Agreement

Since 2012, a new agreement has been in place between the Colleges of Ontario and the Institutes of Technology in Ireland, which enables graduates of a two-year diploma in Ontario to study in Ireland for a further two years, receiving an honours degree upon completion. In some cases, Ontario students can earn their honours degree with just one additional year of study. This option is available across many disciplines of study. Tuition is set at a fixed sum of €7,500, students are still eligible for OSAP, and no work permit is required for up to 20 hours part-time work per week. (For more information, visit


L’Irlande est un pays magnifique de gens chaleureux, sympathiques et accueillants. De plus, l’Irlande a une réputation mondiale pour l’éducation de haute qualité. Vous ne regretterez jamais un séjour passé sur l’île d’émeraude ! Pour en savoir plus, n’hésitez pas à contacter Ciara Halliday :

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To hear more stories from the Canadian student ambassadors:

Contributed by:

Ciara Halliday,
Education in Ireland

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