- The monetary unit in Norway is the Norwegian krone, NOK.
- The length of the Norwegian coastline is 25.148 km, including fjords.
- The highest peak in Norway is Galdhøpiggen 2469 meters above the sea.
- Norway and Europe’s northernmost point is the North Cape.
- Kirkenes, Norway, is as far east as Cairo, farther east than Finland, and only 9 miles (15 km) from the Russian border.
- Norway has the highest concentration of fjords in the world. Two of these, the Geiranger Fjord and the Nærøy fjord, feature on the Unesco World Heritage List.
- The Lærdal Tunnel is the world’s longest road tunnel at 15 miles (24.5 km).
- The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Norway by a Norwegian committee.
- Snorre Sturluson’s Heimskringla (The History of Kings), written in the Old Norse Period (A.D. 750–1300), is still a bestseller in Norway today.
- Norway was one of the founding nations of the United Nations in 1945, and the first U.N. Secretary-General was Norwegian Foreign Minister, Trygve Lie.

10 Fun Facts About Norway
- Norway introduced salmon sushi to the Japanese in the eighties
- The paper clip is a Norwegian invention
- In 2008, Norway knighted a king penguin. Nils Olav is his name.
- The famous and expensive Voss Water is just water from the municipal supply in Iveland, Norway.
- Sweden is so good at recycling, it now runs out of garbage to recycle and now imports garbage from Norway to fuel its energy programs.
- In 1251, Henry III of England was given a polar bear by the King of Norway. He kept it in the Tower of London, on a long chain so that it could swim in the Thames.
- In 2011, Norway went through a nationwide butter shortage, where smugglers would often get caught smuggling butter and online auctions for one packet of butter reached as high as $77.
- IKEA names sofas, coffee tables, bookshelves, media storage and doorknobs after places in Sweden; beds, wardrobes and hall furniture after places in Norway; carpets after places in Denmark and dining tables and chairs after places in Finland.
- Dying is illegal in Longyearbyen, as bodies aren’t buried anymore because the permafrost in that town prevents them from decomposing.
- Frozen pizza is so popular in Norway that when a popular brand released a new jingle, it reached #1 on the Norwegian charts.
Source: Study in Norway
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Mind blowing facts about Norway. The juxtaposition of serious historical events like being a founding nation of the United Nations with fun tidbits such as IKEA naming furniture after Scandinavian places showcases the country rich and diverse story.
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